Friday, December 26, 2008

An E-Mail I received from Neil Donald Walsh (Confersations with God)

Dear Wendy,

There is something remarkable happening in our world right now—and some people are calling it a “financial meltdown.” What I am seeing is something quite different, and I wonder if you’re seeing the same thing…

I am seeing a re-arranging of our life priorities—and I am seeing that rearranging as something that is happening for the better. Let me tell you about a man I ran into just the other day, may I?

We were talking about the money crunch right now and how his family was doing some belt-tightening. “We’re not eating out these days, we’re not going to the movies or over to the bowling alley. Our family is looking for more things that we can do together at home. We’re getting the board games out again—and that has been a source of real fun.”

Wow. Family members are discovering each other again. I thought, that is just so great.

I don’t think any of this is by “accident.” I think that our society, worldwide, is deciding something new about itself. I think we are deciding that it’s not about all the “stuff.” It’s not about the cars and the houses and the clothes and the trinkets. It’s about each other.

…and it’s about the journey of the soul and our relationship to Life Itself (in my personal vocabulary, I call that I believe we’ve come here to be with each other, and to be with each other in a particular way for a particular reason.

I think we’ve come here to inspire each other and remind each other of the greatest truths and of what’s truly so, of who we really are and who we are capable of becoming.

There are a lot of ways we can do this, and in our own homes. We can do it by being present with each other—really present with another’s experience, feelings, hopes, and dreams. And their fears, too. And we can share with them all about our own. We can also share humanity’s story, in a way that uplifts and inspires.

I am seeing the same thing and love this letter. I think we need to focus on the positive. I choose to look at a situation and ask, what can I learned from this.

It's true that this Chrismas we had less money to spend, but it was by far the best. We were all together and we had lots of love. We sang, and snuggled and played games. Yes, I choose to look at this "Crisis" as a blessing from God.

What do you think?

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"What you receive is directly connected to how you believe."  Joel Osteen