Sunday, October 3, 2010

Peace Quotes

Peace quotes. Some of the very best peace quotes that you will find on the net. These peace quotes are not only meaningful but they also emphasize the importance of peace. It is a must read and I hope everyone would understand the importance of peace with this peace quotes.

Relationship Quotes

Looking for some meaningful relationship quotes. Well, look no further. This article has some of the best relationship quotes that you will find on the internet. They give a nice insights on relationship and are definitely a compelling read. Read this finest relationship quotes now.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Breakthrough With Tony Robbins

Breakthrough With Tony Robbins

I am so excited to see that Tony Robbins has come out with a new Prime time television show designed to help people who feel totally lost for what ever reason to get their life back. He makes people do what they don't want to do in order to breakthrough and take their lives back.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

From Neale Donald Walsch

I Thought this was great advice!

On this day of your life, Wendy, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you must be good to yourself if you are
ever going to be any good for others.

This means take a day off once in a while
when it's not scheduled.  Eat of piece of chocolate
when it's not recommended.  Take a nap
when it's just not possible.

Get your face into a good book for an hour
when you can't afford to. Soak in a tub
when there's no time to. Stop everything
when you're not supposed to. Do this now,
right now, for goodness sake.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

An Inspiration Quote from Abraham

Everything that has ever been lived, everything that has ever been written down or documented, has been vibration first. Everything has been conjured in vibration first before it manifests. So if something has manifested and you continue to give it your attention, the fact that it is true should really hold no weight with you. The question that we would ask is not, is it true, or is it undeniable? The question that we would ask is, how does it make me feel when I focus upon it? And if the answer to the question is, it doesn't make me feel very good when I focus upon it, then we would say, true or not, it does not serve you. And if you will activate a different part of your vibration--the "truth" will shift.

--- Abraham

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Past Life Regression Technique

Past Life Regression Technique

I believe that meditation as well as past life regression can be very healing spiritually. It has actually helped to change my life. I am so much calmer since I have been able to slow down the chatter in my brain. If you are thinking about past life regression you may want to visit The Unexplainable Store.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Man Reunited With His Gorilla

Man Reunited With His Gorilla: "This is such a heartwarming story about a man (Conservationist Damian Aspinall) and his Gorilla Kwibi. This you-tube video is a clip of the reunion of a man with his friend Kwibi after being released into the wild for 5 years. I really is a story of love. It brings tears to my eyes. It shows that animals really do love, and they never forget us. 'He looked at me with such intensity and love.'"

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Psychic Shield: The Personal Handbook of Psychic Protection

Psychic Shield: The Personal Handbook of Psychic Protection: "Have you noticed that some people are just negative no matter what? And it seems as though they are not happy unless they can make everyone else miserable as well. It is easy to say that you are not going to let people suck you into their negativeness and we can try to ignore the behavior but it can be difficult if you are forced to deal with this person because you work together or maybe they are even a member of your household."

Monday, May 17, 2010

Conversations with God

Conversations with God: "Your job on Earth, therefore, is not to learn (because you already know), but to remember Who You Are. ~ Conversations with God"

Do you Remember who you are?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Psychic: My Life in Two Worlds

I have read all most if not all of the books by Sylvia Browne and am so excited to see that she has written another new book. She is very direct and open in her books and this one will be no different. In Psychic: My Life in Two Worlds Sylvia talks more about her personal life and her life as a psychic.

Click Here to visit Amazons Sylvia Browne Page.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Eckhart Tolle Books

Eckhart Tolle Books: Eckhart Tolle is a famous Motivational Teacher and author. He is the author of The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment and A New Earth, Awakenings to Your Life's Purpose.

Tolle has touched the lives of many through his teachings. He has helped many people who have spent many years being anxious and depressed learn how to live in the now. He teaches "Stop. Drop those thoughts. Breathe. Be still. Just Be."

Monday, March 15, 2010

Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences

Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences

This is an incredible book for those who have been looking for answers about what happens after we die. I think we all know that there must be some sort of afterlife and would love to see some proof. For me, I simply have faith. But it is interesting to me to read about others and their near death experiences. It really helps me to believe that their is life after life. If there wasn't, then why would so many people have similar experiences.

Weather you believe or not, Evidence of the Afterlife is a very interesting book for anyone who wants to learn about near death experiences.

Friday, January 22, 2010

"A Good Day" video - Brother David Steindl-Rast

This is an awesome video! Sit back watch, relax and enjoy! Be blessed and Grateful!

"A Good Day" video - Brother David Steindl-Rast


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"What you receive is directly connected to how you believe." Joel Osteen

"What you receive is directly connected to how you believe."  Joel Osteen